Indien u geïnteresseerd bent in de gehele tekst, stuur dan een mailtje naar:
Outcome of peri-implant maintenance care in patients with an implant-supported lower denture - A 3.5-year retrospective analysis
Implant therapy in partially edentulous, periodontally compromised patients: a review.
Alveolar bone dimensional changes of post-extraction sockets in humans:
a systematic review.
The effect of chemotherapeutic agents on contaminated titanium surfaces: a systematic review.
Effect of socket preservation therapies following tooth extraction in non-molar regions in humans: a systematic review.
Complications in patients with oral implants. Recommendations for routine preventive inspections
Titanium surface alterations following the use of different mechanical instruments: a systematic review.
Accidental ingestion of an untethered instrument during implant surgery.
Mechanical self-performed oral hygiene of implant supported restorations: a systematic review.
The effects of mechanical instruments on contaminated titanium dental implant surfaces: a systematic review
Clinical and radiographic evaluation of narrow- vs. regular-diameter dental implants: a 3-year follow-up. A retrospective study
Influence of mechanical instruments on the biocompatibility of titanium dental implants surfaces:
a systematic review.
Recommendations on the clinical application of air polishing for the management of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis
Immediate and Early Loading of Two-Implant-Supported Mandibular Overdentures:
Three-Year Report of Loading Results of a Single-Center Prospective Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
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